Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Post for Maddie

Maddie, I loved the last picture you posted of the beautiful skies in Flagstaff. But I want to say that we get amazing skies here too. This is today's sunset and the colors are gorgeous. A beautiful way to end a rainy day!!


  1. Wonderful, Em! Thank you! That is indeed exquisite! I really wish that the weather wasn't so rotten, sunny, and UN-cloudy. Because I want a good sky soon. I have been waiting for one, but haven't had one since we got our camera(The one I posted didn't wasn't so good. So it just might have to be snow pictures until the springtime. RAIN!!! Oh,goodness, I envy you. All we have is sun and cold and a lack of pretty skies here... extremely odd for Flagstaff at this time of year.

  2. What a beautiful sky! I love it when God shows His glory in even the simplest of ways!

  3. This is a comment for Maddie. I couldn't figure out how to comment on her blog to tell her that I read her blog, so I thought I would comment here and see it she reads it. I read your blog Maddie beause I found it on Emile's blog. I enjoy it!
    Remember me??
    Lacy Morice
