Thursday, April 5, 2012

Happy Birthday, Tobin!!!

Today is my brother, Tobin's birthday. He is nine years old. Tobin is our very happy go lucky family member. He has been smiling since he was a month old.

                                                  And he has been smiling ever since. :)

Tobin loves rock climbing. In fact he is named after a famous, christian climber, Tobin Sorenson. This year Tobin was thrilled to go camping and climbing at one of Tobin Sorenson's favorite sights in Yosemite, Camp Four.

Tobin also is a very avid fiddler. Before you know it you will find out that he is a national fiddle champion. :)  He will take up any opportunity to play his violin.

Last year Tobin professed his faith in Jesus Christ and was baptized in the Merced river on our church camp trip.

Tobin enjoys helping my brothers make movies.He has even starred in a couple of them. Since he and Scott have been begging me to post one of their movies; here is my favorite thing they have done. It is an introduction to a  movie they are working on that Tobin stars in.


Can you guess what the movie is going to be about?

I am so grateful for Tobin.
Happy Birthday!!!


1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday Tobin!!!! I know what your movie is about. You told us the story when we were about 9 or 10. :)
