Saturday, February 11, 2012

Bread Baking Day

Today was bread baking day for me and my sister.  We have found a recipe for yummy, nutritious bread. We use freshly ground whole wheat flour and we use honey instead of sugar to sweeten it. My family loves to have our bread fresh out of the oven. 
Homemade bread is only a fraction of the cost of store bought bread. One loaf of homemade bread costs $1.00 while a good loaf of store bought bread is usually 3 or 4 dollars. 
Our family of nine easily consumes almost two loaves of fresh bread so we usually make four loaves to last us the week.
Here is our bread recipe.
Whole Wheat Bread
2 1\2 cups warm water 
2 cups whole wheat flour
1\3 cup coconut oil
1\3 cup honey
1 1\2 tablespoons Dough Enhancer
1 1\2 tablespoons yeast

Mix all the ingredients together and let it sponge (sit without mixing) for 20 minutes. Add 2 1\2 teaspoons salt. Add 3- 6 cups of flour, one cup at a time, until the dough cleans the sides of the bowl or until the dough does not stick to your finger. Knead for 8 minutes. Divide the dough in two and shape into loaves. Place into a greased 8 inch bread pans and let rise until doubled. Bake for 28 - 32 minutes at 350 until the tops are brown and sound hollow when you tap them. Brush with milk to soften the crusts. Take the bread out of the pans and place them on their sides to cool.

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