Thursday, July 3, 2014

Fun in the Sprinklers

It has been very hot here in our corner of California; like close to 100. Where we live it stays hot into the evening. Yesterday evening my little brothers got to play in the sprinklers that water our lawn. They had a blast chasing each other back and forth through the refreshing water.

 Nathan Will Conquer the Water!!!
I think he is pretty cute even when he is dripping wet:)
 Elianna decided not to brave the sprinklers but she had fun watching her older brother's antics. ;)

Brendan impersonating girls facing the "scary" sprinklers :):)


  1. That looks like such fun!! You can tell Bredan that sprinklers are not "scary":)

  2. By the way, I really really like your new blog look. It's super cute!
